-> Sustainability
-> Ecotherapy
-> Nature Connection
-> Regenerative Ecology
Whatever you want to call it... going eco is the oldest new trend there is!
It's how we are biologically and evolutionarily hard-wired to live.
It falls under environmental wellness, but also includes physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness too!
One of the key ideas in wellness and ecopysycology is the idea of holons - wholes that are part of larger wholes. Some of you might relate this to systems theory...
In short, our physical wellness, our body and biology, is one whole. But it's not complete until we consider the wider whole of our mind, body & spirit and...
Can we really be whole, ourselves, if we don't look at the whole environment of the culture or civilization we are in?
And can we really address the whole of those social and cultural relationships if we forget that we are also a part of nature, and nature is a part of us?
You get the idea....
This idea of being eco is a philosophy in which our own wellness is embedded in the larger whole of the earth's wellness.... It's connecting with nature and embracing eco-therapies....
-> Ecotherapy
-> Nature Connection
-> Regenerative Ecology
Whatever you want to call it... going eco is the oldest new trend there is!
It's how we are biologically and evolutionarily hard-wired to live.
It falls under environmental wellness, but also includes physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness too!
One of the key ideas in wellness and ecopysycology is the idea of holons - wholes that are part of larger wholes. Some of you might relate this to systems theory...
In short, our physical wellness, our body and biology, is one whole. But it's not complete until we consider the wider whole of our mind, body & spirit and...
Can we really be whole, ourselves, if we don't look at the whole environment of the culture or civilization we are in?
- This is where my passion for educating the next generation comes in.
- It's also why you will see me referencing scientific studies and occasionally even medications or other cultural trends.
- We are a slave to culture (through avoidance) if we try to escape from it. Not every part of our culture is bad...
And can we really address the whole of those social and cultural relationships if we forget that we are also a part of nature, and nature is a part of us?
You get the idea....
This idea of being eco is a philosophy in which our own wellness is embedded in the larger whole of the earth's wellness.... It's connecting with nature and embracing eco-therapies....
What is Nature Connection?
Nature Connection Occurs in 3 Ways:
🌳 getting out into nature 🌳
🌳 bringing elements of nature indoors 🌳
🌳 adopting more natural ways of being 🌳
🌳 bringing elements of nature indoors 🌳
🌳 adopting more natural ways of being 🌳
Both indigenous wisdom and a ton of peer-reviewed, published scientific research details the positive effects of time spent in nature, of having access to views of nature and nature art, of eating nature's foods, of using herbs to balance our health, of moving in primal/natural ways, and of living a lifestyle wherein our own nature is interwoven with Nature.
This doesn't have to mean "back to the land" - although for some it might.
I help you find ways to align your nature with Nature in the modern, technological age.
When we make choices that are sustainable and healthy for us, these tend to often be good for the earth as well.
Furthermore, research shows that people who feel a sense of nature connectedness are more likely to make every-day choices that are environmentally friendly. So nature connection provides wellness all around!
This doesn't have to mean "back to the land" - although for some it might.
I help you find ways to align your nature with Nature in the modern, technological age.
When we make choices that are sustainable and healthy for us, these tend to often be good for the earth as well.
Furthermore, research shows that people who feel a sense of nature connectedness are more likely to make every-day choices that are environmentally friendly. So nature connection provides wellness all around!
The Coolest Thing You Don't Know Enough About!

For many years my interests seemed unrelated:
Ecopsychology is "an emerging field that is developing in recognition that human health, identity, and sanity are intimately linked to the health of the earth and must include sustainable and mutually enhancing relationships between humans and the nonhuman world" (Naropa, 2013).
In simpler terms, what is good for us tends to be good for nature and vice versa.
I like to think of ecotherapy as the practical application of a wellness philosophy that includes mind, body, spirit, and earth!
- local foods
- herbalism
- exercise and time outdoors
- psychology
- mindfulness
- spirituality
- natural healing
- green living
- natural parenting
- educational philosophy
- the arts
- and more
I finally found a place in ecotherapy - also known as ecopsychology - to integrate all of these parts of myself into one coherent whole.
Ecopsychology is "an emerging field that is developing in recognition that human health, identity, and sanity are intimately linked to the health of the earth and must include sustainable and mutually enhancing relationships between humans and the nonhuman world" (Naropa, 2013).
In simpler terms, what is good for us tends to be good for nature and vice versa.
I like to think of ecotherapy as the practical application of a wellness philosophy that includes mind, body, spirit, and earth!
Guess what?! I wrote a book! I'm so excited!
- Overwhelmed at the idea of making sustainable changes? Feel like it's a hopeless cause?
- Don't know where to start?
- Want to learn more about the powerful impact you can have - by making some simple changes?
I like to say that sustainable changes must *first* be sustainable for the individual. In other words, it has to work for you!
This book is full of ideas and resources to make sustainable living easy - or at least much easier!
You can get it on Amazon
- or be more sustainable, and check it out at your favorite local book seller!